XD Indexer Videos

Indexer Product Overview

May 16, 2017
0    4331

MotionSet Software for Indexer

May 16, 2017
0    4163

Indexer Hardware

May 16, 2017
0    4533

Indexer System Set Up

May 16, 2017
0    4244

Connect via USB & Ethernet

May 16, 2017
0    4722

Indexer Hardware Set Up

May 16, 2017
0    4132

Indexer I/O Assignment

May 16, 2017
0    4289

Indexer Programming Motion

May 16, 2017
0    4455
ORMEC Video Library

Overview and Training Videos

Contact us!

Find out how to use the power of the ORMEC Indexer for your application; email us with your questions.

For an on-site demo call (585) 385-3520.


XD Series Indexer integrated motion controller and drive (Brochure) Check the XD Indexer datasheet for detailed info.